DAUB Dynamic Brush ------------------ Latest News ----------- June 1994: Daub received a favourable review from Jerry Olsen in Prodigy Selections, the "hit products of the week" area on ZiffNet, a US-based information service. July 1994: Daub was included on a multimedia CD put out by a French company, Micro Application. The CD features some of the best shareware titles from around the world in various catagories - 89 programs in all. DAUB 2.0 will be out before the end of the year - but don't wait for it, register version 1.5 now and get version 2.0 for nothing when available. *** The DAUB 2.0 demo included here is a very incomplete version of the *** *** program you will get with the free upgrade. *** Since it is a big step up, the registration fee for version 2.0 will probably be higher than the current fee. Any queries may be directed to the author (Tim Parish) at PO Box 66 Rundle Mall SA 5000 Australia For those with Compuserve access, the address is 100351,2443. Update History -------------- Version 1.5 Nov 1993 Addition of text objects and associated functions. Main menu rearranged to prevent top level getting too large. Most brush stroke functions put under one main menu item. Similarly for text. Further minor cosmetic and functional changes to the program. A bug from version 1.24 will cause graphics created under v1.24 to trigger an error message when read in. However, the problem will not recurr after the graphic is saved again under v1.5. Version 1.24 Sep 1993 Minor cosmetic changes and updates to program and documentation. Version 1.23 Sep 1993 Selector menu items grayed/enabled as appropriate. Bug fixed which affected only strokes drawn from right to left. Memory requirements reduced significantly for storing brush strokes. Version 1.22 Sep 1993 Copying to the Windows clipboard in bitmap format was implemented (operates on selected strokes). Text line beneath the tool column was added to identify/explain the currently selected tool. Version 1.21 Aug 1993 'Hot keys' were added for Edit menu operations, e.g. the Delete key to delete a stroke or group of strokes. Tool column operations were made interruptable by the ESC key. Changes were made to the way strokes are selected and de-selected, to make the program easier to use. Most dialog boxes were re-designed and all implemented in the Borland style (except Printer Options). Menu item graying was added. Version 1.2 Aug 1993 The path attribute 'slope' was added to the Draw | Variable menu option. Horizontal and vertical flip radio buttons were added to the Move dialog box. The Options dialog box was extended to include background grid and 'snap to' functions. The group select tool was added at the bottom right corner of the tool column. Version 1.1 Jul 1993 First distributed version.